Let’s face it, cold calling is rarely fun. For many, it’s even less enjoyable during the holidays because the season has a built-in excuse your prospects can use to get off the phone, which is often, “Let’s pick this up again in the new year.”
While it may seem fruitless to cold call and prospect for leads during the holidays, these activities can actually be quite fruitful this time of year. That is, they can often produce promising results if you go about them a bit differently than you normally would.
Holiday Cold Calling and Lead Prospecting
Because it’s advisable to change things up this time of year, you may be looking for some practical tips for holiday success in cold calling and prospecting. If that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place to find prospecting and cold calling techniques that really work. Here are some things you can do to have greater success with holiday cold calling and prospecting this year and every year.
Download A Free SampleMake the Most of Gatherings With Friends and Family
While you may look forward to getting together with your family members and friends to exchange gifts and share great food, you can make even more out of these get-togethers. More specifically, you can use these occasions to ask your close confidants for some help.
Remember – the goal isn’t to sell anything to your friends or family members. Your objective is simply to ask them if they may know anyone who might have an interest in the goods or services you sell. If they do, request their acquaintance’s contact information and ask them to let their contact know you’ll be in touch.
Even if your friends and family members can’t think of an interested party off the top of their heads, give them a few business cards in case they come across a potential prospect during the other holiday events they’ll attend.
Make Calls Early in the Day
As a general rule, calling prospects before 8:30 a.m. increases the likelihood your calls will be answered by the individual you’re trying to get in touch with. With this in mind, make it a point to do your cold calling early in the day.
While you may have greater success cold calling early in the morning, it’s never a bad time to make phone calls. In fact, the chances that you’ll reach a decision-maker during the holidays may be higher no matter when you cold call because their “gatekeepers” might be on vacation for the holidays.
Change Your Script
The holidays represent a great opportunity for you to change your sales script for maximum effect. Some businesses may be interested in making capital purchases before the new year that they can write off on their taxes. Other companies may want to take their organization in a different direction to kick off the new year. Amend your sales script to take advantage of these possibilities.
Use High-Quality Leads Lists
Few things can upend your cold calling and prospecting efforts during the holidays or any other time of year as much as using a poor leads list. To get the results you want, be sure you always use high-quality leads lists.
That’s exactly what you’ll get from TelephoneLists.Biz — high-quality leads lists at affordable prices. Our targeted leads lists can be purchased by state, country or even zip code. We can also customize a list any way you want us to. Our web portal is easy to use, and our helpful representatives are always on hand to assist you if you need help creating a custom list or you have questions.
If you want the best leads, we invite you to try a free sample list from TelephoneLists.Biz now. Contact TelephoneLists.Biz to request your complimentary sample list today.