Get access to our phone lists and email data to supercharge your telemarketing efforts with our extensive database.
At TelephoneLists.biz, we strive to provide you with the best value for your business lists along with flexibility without restrictions. You’ll be able to filter by industry or business size, and you can download and keep all your leads.
When you choose TelephoneLists.Biz as your resource for business lead lists, you can rest assured that our phone database is updated regularly. We provide accurate information about the prospects included in all of our affordable business phone lists. Our targeted telemarketing lists also have the built-in flexibility for you to narrow your search and target the specific prospects that are most likely to have an interest in what you’re selling. You can use many insightful demographics such as industry, business size, revenue, and more to filter the lists of business leads you buy from us.
The key to success with b2b telemarketing is to utilize all the filters available and search for the businesses most likely to be interested in your product or service.
Sort business lists based on business type such as small business and NAICS or SIC code. Filter and target your best prospects to maximize sales time and effort for a higher conversion rate. Find your next clients at an unbeatable price per lead.
Once you’ve sorted one of our targeted business lead lists, you need to use some proven techniques that can help you or your sales team get the most out of every cold call. Here are some tips that will help you improve your success rate.
Develop an Appropriate Greeting: The way you greet someone on the phone lays the groundwork for how the remainder of the conversation is going to go. A lot of telemarketers greet people with a “Hello.” Set the stage for a successful cold call by greeting prospects professionally. Instead of saying “Hello” or “Hi,” greet your prospects with a “Good morning, Mrs. Smith” or “Good afternoon, Mr. Stewart.”
Introduce Yourself: Follow your greeting by introducing yourself and your company. Don’t launch into an in-depth description of your products, which will give a prospect the chance to reject you immediately. Instead, make your introduction general while mentioning something about your products or services that may benefit your prospects.
Express Appreciation: Always thank your prospects for letting you take up some of their time after you introduce yourself. As you’re thanking them, assure them you won’t take up more than a few minutes of their valuable time. Remember to thank your prospects again at the end of every call.
Explain Why You’re Calling: It’s normally advisable to explain why you’re calling in the form of a question that’s designed to get your prospects to answer with a yes. Here’s an example of this kind of question: “If we can help you manufacture your products at a lower cost, would you want to know more about our services?”
Schedule a Time to Meet: If a prospect is interested in what you’re selling, schedule a time to meet while they’re still on the phone with you. If the meeting is more than a few days away, be sure you follow up with your contact a day or two before the scheduled meeting to confirm they’re still available.
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